Elevation Plans


This shows a side elevation profile with heights and offsets from existing structures and fence lines. A general requirement for building approvals.

Please check if your approval company requires one.


Will require plans from shed company or images with measurements of existing structures from client.

*Price is per sheet* (Generally 2 sides per sheet and only 1 sheet is required)

*Plans are PDF only, no hard copies*

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This shows a side elevation profile with heights and offsets from existing structures and fence lines. A general requirement for building approvals.

Please check if your approval company requires one.


Will require plans from shed company or images with measurements of existing structures from client.

*Price is per sheet* (Generally 2 sides per sheet and only 1 sheet is required)

*Plans are PDF only, no hard copies*

Additional Structures (New buildings to be added to your property)
Number of new structures.:

This shows a side elevation profile with heights and offsets from existing structures and fence lines. A general requirement for building approvals.

Please check if your approval company requires one.


Will require plans from shed company or images with measurements of existing structures from client.

*Price is per sheet* (Generally 2 sides per sheet and only 1 sheet is required)

*Plans are PDF only, no hard copies*

Name of Representative(required)

For Organisations or Companies. Leave blank if "As Above"


Please add the site location for your project.

Fastrack YOUR plan to BUILDABLE APPROVALS?(required)

Upload your Site Sketch with the location of new structures, site images, new structure plans. Max 5 Files per submission - Please e-mail admin@yoursiteplan.com.au to send further documents.